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Event Series Event Series: 6th Sunday of Pascha – Year B

6th Sunday of Pascha – Year B

2 May 2027 All day

Below you will find the Bible readings set for this occasion in the Revised Common Lectionary, with our Australian idiomatic paraphrases of them, plus prayers and sermons based on them.

Bible Readings (paraphrased)

Lections from The Revised Common Lectionary. Copyright 1992 by the Consultation on Common Texts(CCT) P.O. Box 340003, Room 381, Nashville, TN 37203-0003, USA. Used with Permission.

Peter was preaching in the home of Cornelius, an officer from the Italian regiment. The gathered people were taking his words to heart, and even before he had finished his speech, the Holy Spirit fell upon them. The other believers who had come with Peter were all good Jews, and they were absolutely gob-smacked when they saw that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out on people who weren’t even Jewish. There was no disputing it though, because they could hear these outsiders speaking in unknown languages and singing the praises of God. Then Peter turned to his companions and said, “Can there be any justification for refusing to baptise these people into the community of Christ’s followers, when it is clear that God has treated them exactly the same as us, and given them the Holy Spirit in the same way?”

So, on Peter’s say-so, they were baptised in water into a declared allegiance to Jesus the Messiah. At their invitation, Peter stayed on in Cornelius’s home for the next few days.

©2003 Nathan Nettleton LaughingBird.net

We sing like we’ve never sung before, LORD,
because you have done fantastic things.
With your sleeves rolled up you got stuck in
and came out on top.

Your victory has made the headlines, LORD,
now the whole world can see that you were right all along.

You have never defaulted on your rock-solid love,
or your loyalty to your chosen people.
From one end of the earth to the other,
everyone has seen your victory.

With all the world, LORD, we raise a noisy celebration,
singing our lungs out and shouting your praise.

The bands strike up in your honour, LORD,
filling the air with festive music.
With a brass fanfare and a dancing beat
we loudly celebrate your reign over us.

The whole creation joins in the celebration:
the ocean and its creatures roar their approval;
the land and its animals, cheer and stomp;
rivers and lakes give a standing ovation,
mountains and hills erupt in applause.

We put on the whole show in your presence, LORD,
celebrating your arrival as you finally bring justice.
With you in charge we know things will be put right;
now every one on earth will get a fair go.

©2000 Nathan Nettleton LaughingBird.net

All those who put their trust in Jesus as the Messiah are the offspring of God. Everyone who loves the parent will also love the parent’s offspring. Loving God and loving God’s offspring are bound up together, and when we are living by the instructions God has given us, we can be sure that we are doing both. You see, the essential way to express our love for God is to follow God’s instructions for living right. There is no great difficulty in this; God’s instructions do not weigh us down. Anything that God has given birth to will win, hands down, in the struggle against the corrupt ways of the world. Our faith, expressed in love and obedience, is the sure-fire winner, and there is nothing the world can put up against it to stop its march to certain victory. Who can defeat the powers that would drag us down into the world’s mire? The one who trusts in the human Jesus as the Son of God, that’s who! When Jesus Christ came into the world, he was not just united with us in our struggle through a baptism of water, but through a baptism of blood. The Spirit is the one who has testified to all this, and the Spirit is truth itself.

©2003 Nathan Nettleton LaughingBird.net

Jesus said:

“I have loved you in the same way that I have been loved by the Father. Make yourselves at home in my love. If you live by the instructions I have given you, you will be living in my love. I do the same, following the instructions and living in the love of my Father. I have let you in on these things so that you can share my joy and be completely fulfilled.

“My number one instruction for you – in fact take it as an order – is this: love one another in the same way that I have loved you. No one can outdo the love that is shown by people who lay down their lives for those they love. You are my loved ones if you do what I have instructed you to do. I am not going to call you my labourers any more, because labourers just do as they’re told without knowing what the boss is on about. I now call you personal friends, because I have let you in on everything my Father has told me. But it was not you that chose to forge this friendship; it was me. I gave you the tap on the shoulder and sent you out to bear fruit, fruit that will last. And when you’re working on my behalf, you can ask for whatever you need and the Father will give it to you. I am giving you these instructions so that you can truly love one another.”

©2003 Nathan Nettleton LaughingBird.net


Let us lift up our hearts.
We lift them to the Lord.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give our thanks and praise.

It is indeed right to give you our thanks and praise, O God,
for you are the Lord of wonderful deeds
who fills the earth with mercy, justice and love.

You created the world and all that live there;
and the seas, rivers and hills roar their praise.
Through your people you revealed your commandments
and your merciful love to all the world.

You came among us in your beloved Son, Jesus.
who makes us your friends
by planting your word within us
and leading us to abide in your love forever.
He was crucified and buried,
but through your victorious power
he was born again from the deep waters of death,
and his resurrection power will conquer the world.
Now he is pouring out your Holy Spirit on all who believe,
without distinction,
and bringing everyone who loves you and follows your ways
to new birth as your children.

Therefore with .....

©2003 Nathan Nettleton LaughingBird.net

We give thanks for your beloved Son, Jesus,
who pours out your Holy Spirit without distinction
and makes us your friends
by planting your word within us
and leading us to abide in your love forever.

©2003 Nathan Nettleton LaughingBird.net

(Preface reformatted for use apart from communion)

We give you all thanks and praise, O God,
for you are the Lord of wonderful deeds
who fills the earth with mercy, justice and love.

You created the world and all that live there;
and the seas, rivers and hills roar their praise.
Through your people you revealed your commandments
and your merciful love to all the world.

You came among us in your beloved Son, Jesus.
who makes us your friends
by planting your word within us
and leading us to abide in your love forever.
He was crucified and buried,
but through your victorious power
he was born again from the deep waters of death,
and his resurrection power will conquer the world.
Now he is pouring out your Holy Spirit on all who believe,
without distinction,
and bringing everyone who loves you and follows your ways
to new birth as your children.

Therefore, with our hearts lifted high,
we offer you thanks and praise at all times
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.

©2003 Nathan Nettleton LaughingBird.net

God’s justice and merciful love have been revealed
through the Son, who laid down his life for all.
All who trust in Jesus as God’s Son
are given mercy for their sins
and power to overcome the ways of the world.

Sisters and Brothers,
  your sins are forgiven;
    be at peace.

©2003 Nathan Nettleton LaughingBird.net

Go now, and bear fruit for God, fruit that will last.
As Christ has loved you, so love one another,
and abide always in God’s love,
that your joy may be complete.

And may God give you all you ask for in Christ’s name;
May Christ Jesus reveal to you God’s ways and call you his friends;
And may the Holy Spirit confirm the truth within you and make your joy complete.

We go in peace to love and serve the Lord,
   In the name of Christ. Amen.

©2003 Nathan Nettleton LaughingBird.net


Sermons will open in new tabs from our SYCBaps church website.

  1. Do they let anyone in here?!!
    A sermon on Acts 10:44-48 & 1 John 5:1-6 by Nathan Nettleton
  2. Resurrection Ethics
    A sermon on Acts 10: 44-48; 1 John 5: 1-6 & John 15: 9-17 by Nathan Nettleton
  3. Love: make yourself at home in it
    A sermon on John 15:9-17 by Nathan Nettleton
  4. Love that Overcomes the Powers
    A sermon on 1 John 5: 1-6 and John 15: 9-17 by Nathan Nettleton
  5. I Call You My Friends
    A sermon on John 15:9-17 by Nathan Nettleton
  6. It doesn’t get better than this!
    A sermon on Acts 10: 44-48 and John 15: 9-17 by Alison Sampson
  7. What is to Exclude Them?
    A sermon on Acts 8:26-40; Acts 10:44-48 & John 15:9-17 by Nathan Nettleton
  8. ‘Love as you have been loved’ and toxic masculinity
    A sermon about domestic violence drawing on John 15:9-17 by Nathan Nettleton


2 May 2027