Resurrection Sunday Morning – Year A
5 April 2026 All day
Below you will find the Bible readings set for this occasion in the Revised Common Lectionary, with our Australian idiomatic paraphrases of them, plus sermons based on them.
Bible Readings (paraphrased)
Lections from The Revised Common Lectionary. Copyright 1992 by the Consultation on Common Texts(CCT) P.O. Box 340003, Room 381, Nashville, TN 37203-0003, USA. Used with Permission.
1st Reading: Acts 10: 34-43
Peter addressed the gathered people saying:
âNow it is all perfectly clear to me â God does not play favourites! Whoever you are and wherever you are from, if you take God seriously and do the right thing, God will welcome you with open arms! Jesus the Messiah preached Godâs message about a peace deal to the people of Israel, but clearly it did not stop with them â he is Lord of all! No doubt you have heard the news about Jesus of Nazareth, because since it sparked off in Galilee, it has spread like wildfire all over Judea. The story began after John started calling everyone to turn their lives around through baptism. God singled Jesus out then and there, charging him with the Holy Spiritâs power. From then on, Jesus travelled around working for good and helping people out from under the devilâs thumb and back onto their feet. God was with him in all this. We saw it all ourselves; everything he did in the Judean backblocks and in the city of Jerusalem. They strung him up on a post and killed him, but three days later God raised him to life and let us see him. Not everybody got to see him, but God had picked us out to be the ones who would know first hand what had happened. We got to spend time sharing meals and a few drinks with him after he was brought back from the dead. He gave us the job of getting his message out to the people and going public with the fact that he is the one who God has appointed to make the final assessment of everybody on earth, past and present. You donât have to take our word alone on this; all the prophets back us up. Everyone who puts their trust in Jesus receives pardon for their sins on his say so.â
©2001 Nathan Nettleton
Alternative 1st Reading: Jeremiah 31: 1-6
âWhen the time comes,â says the LORD, âit will be as clear as day that I am the God of all Israel, of every family without exception. All their people will be my people.â
This is what the LORD has to say:
âYou people fled into the desert to escape a massacre,
and there in the desert, you found my generous love.
You were only looking for a safe place to hide,
but I met you out there and took care of you.
I have always loved you, and I always will,
and so I have been faithful to you, no matter what.
I will put you back on your feet again,
O Israel my beautiful bride.
Once again you shall take out your tambourines
and join the singing and dancing in the streets.
Just like in the good old days
you will grow grapes and make wine
on the hillsides of Samaria.
Those who put in the work
will get to enjoy its fruits.
You can bet on this: there is a day coming
when the watchtowers in the Ephraim hills
will report nothing but safety and freedom.
âUp you get, Israel,â they will say,
âit is time we went up to Mount Zion
to meet with the LORD our God!
©2011 Nathan Nettleton
Psalm 118: 1-2, 14-24
Thank you, LORD, thank you!
Thank you for your goodness!
Thank you for your love â
rock solid and timeless!
May all your people recognise
that your love and loyalty last forever.
Our energy and strength come from you, LORD;
our peace and safety were won by you.
The sound of singing rings out
from the homes of all who are honest and true.
They sing of what you have done, LORD,
for you raised your hand and saved the day.
Now we know that our lives are safe;
we will live to tell of what you have done.
You gave us the tough medicine we deserved, LORD,
but you didnât let death get its claws into us.
The minute they open the city gates
â the gates of justice â
weâll be the first through, LORD;
eager to tell you how thankful we are.
These gates belong to you, LORD,
those you have put right can come on through.
Thank you for answering our prayers, LORD;
for coming to our rescue and putting us right.
From a rejected stone found in a rubbish pile
you cut and polished a priceless jewel.
This is obviously your work, LORD,
and we can hardly believe our eyes!
Today is your day, LORD, a day to honour you;
we will celebrate with joy and laughter.
©2001 Nathan Nettleton
2nd Reading: Colossians 3: 1-4
If you are fair dinkum when you say you have been raised to new life with Christ, then commit yourself to the things that belong to such a life. Look to Christ â Godâs right hand man â and take your cues from him. Concentrate on the things that matter to Christ, and donât let yourselves get hooked into the agendas that preoccupy the world around you. Your old life is behind you â dead and buried â and your new life is intimately bound up with Christ, and lived in God. The full reality of this new life is not visible to the general public yet, but it will be. Because your life is now bound to Christ, when Christ makes his triumphant return to the public stage, you will be there with him, in all your glory, for all to see.
©2001 Nathan Nettleton
Alternative 2nd Reading: Acts 10: 34-43
Peter addressed the gathered people saying:
âNow it is all perfectly clear to me â God does not play favourites! Whoever you are and wherever you are from, if you take God seriously and do the right thing, God will welcome you with open arms! Jesus the Messiah preached Godâs message about a peace deal to the people of Israel, but clearly it did not stop with them â he is Lord of all! No doubt you have heard the news about Jesus of Nazareth, because since it sparked off in Galilee, it has spread like wildfire all over Judea. The story began after John started calling everyone to turn their lives around through baptism. God singled Jesus out then and there, charging him with the Holy Spiritâs power. From then on, Jesus travelled around working for good and helping people out from under the devilâs thumb and back onto their feet. God was with him in all this. We saw it all ourselves; everything he did in the Judean backblocks and in the city of Jerusalem. They strung him up on a post and killed him, but three days later God raised him to life and let us see him. Not everybody got to see him, but God had picked us out to be the ones who would know first hand what had happened. We got to spend time sharing meals and a few drinks with him after he was brought back from the dead. He gave us the job of getting his message out to the people and going public with the fact that he is the one who God has appointed to make the final assessment of everybody on earth, past and present. You donât have to take our word alone on this; all the prophets back us up. Everyone who puts their trust in Jesus receives pardon for their sins on his say so.â
©2001 Nathan Nettleton
Gospel Reading: John 20: 1-18
Early on Sunday, the first day of the week, even before it began to get light, Mary Magdalene went to visit the tomb where Jesus had been buried. When she got there, she discovered that the stone had been removed and the tomb was open. She fled as fast as she could, and found Simon Peter and the disciple whom Jesus had been closest to. Mary blurted out, âThey have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we donât know where they have taken him.â
So Peter and the other disciple set off on the double. They were both running at full tilt, but the other disciple was faster than Peter and reached the tomb first. He didnât go in, but he bent down to peer inside and saw that the linen burial shroud had been unwrapped and left behind. Moments later, Simon Peter arrived, and barged straight into the tomb. He too, saw the unwrapped shroud lying there, and noticed that the cloth that had been on Jesusâ head was not with the rest of the shroud, but had been rolled up and left in a different spot. Then the other disciple, who had reached the tomb first, followed Peter in. They had not yet got their minds around the scriptures that said that Jesus must rise from the dead, but what he saw was enough to convince him that this was no grave robbery, but something far more extraordinary.
The two men left, and headed off to their homes, but Mary stayed behind and stood weeping outside the tomb. A little later she bent down to look into the tomb, and through her tears she saw two angels dressed in white. They were sitting where the body of Jesus had previously been lying, one at the head and the other at the feet. They said to her, âWoman, why are you crying?â
She replied, âSomeone has taken away my Lord, and I have got no idea where they might have put him.â
Having said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing behind her, but she didnât realise it was him. Jesus asked her, âWoman, why are you crying? Who are you looking for?â
Mary assumed that he was the cemetery gardener, so she said to him, âMister, if you have removed his body from the tomb, please tell me where you have put him, and I will take him off your hands.â
Jesus said to her, âMary!â
She spun around and said, âRabbouni!â, which is a Hebrew word meaning âDear Teacherâ.
Jesus said to her, âDonât try to hold on to me, because I have not yet fully risen to the Father. But go now, and tell my whole family of disciples that I am rising up to the one who conceived me and conceived you, to my God and your God.â
So Mary Magdalene went straight to the disciples, and was the first to make the announcement, âI have seen the Lord!â
She went on to fill them in on all that he had said to her.
©2003 Nathan Nettleton
Alternative Gospel Reading: Matthew 28: 1-10
The morning after the Sabbath, just as the first day of the new week was dawning, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to visit the tomb. Suddenly the earth shuddered and shook beneath them and an angel from the Lord appeared from heaven right in front of them, rolled back the boulder that had sealed the mouth of the tomb, and sat on it. The angel was as radiant as lightening, and wore clothes as white as freshly fallen snow. The angelâs appearance had the security guards quaking in their boots and falling like flies, scared stiff. But to the women, the angel said, âDo not be afraid of me! I know you have come here looking for Jesus, the one they executed, but you wonât find him here. He has been raised to life, just as he said he would be. Come and I will show you the place where his body was laid to rest. Then run and tell the rest of his followers that he has been raised from the dead. Tell them that he is heading back to Galilee and you are all to follow. There you will see him for yourselves. This is what I have been sent to tell you.â
So they left the tomb on the double, awestruck and overjoyed, and ran to tell the rest of his followers the news. On the way, they suddenly ran straight into Jesus himself. âGood morning!â he said.
They threw themselves at him and fell down kissing his feet and worshipping him. Jesus said to them. âThere is nothing to be afraid of. Go and tell the rest of my brothers and sisters to go on up to Galilee and I will meet them there.â
©2002 Nathan Nettleton
Eucharistic Preface
Let us lift up our hearts.
We lift them to the Lord.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give our thanks and praise.
It is indeed right to give you our thanks and praise, O God,
for your love is forever
and you have raised the crucified Christ from the dead.
You created all things and placed Christ as the cornerstone.
You made your grace known to Israel in the wilderness,
and through your prophets you pledged
your everlasting love and constant faithfulness.
You anointed your child, Jesus,
with the Holy Spirit and power,
and he went about doing good
and healing all who were oppressed by the devil.
He was put to death, hung on a tree,
but you raised him on the third day,
and allowed him to appear, first to Mary Magdalene
and then to your other chosen witnesses.
So now we praise you within the gates of justice
and raise our glad songs of victory
for you have become our saviour
and hidden our lives in Christ in glory.
Therefore with .....
©2011 Nathan Nettleton
Short Preface (for insertion into Eucharistic prayers with fixed prefaces)
We thank you that when your child Jesus was put to death,
you raised him on the third day,
and allowed him to appear, first to Mary Magdalene
and then to your other chosen witnesses.
In him you have become our saviour
and hidden our lives in Christ in glory.
©2011 Nathan Nettleton
General Prayer of Thanksgiving
(Preface reformatted for use apart from communion)
We give you all thanks and praise, O God,
for your love is forever
and you have raised the crucified Christ from the dead.
You created all things and placed Christ as the cornerstone.
You made your grace known to Israel in the wilderness,
and through your prophets you pledged
your everlasting love and constant faithfulness.
You anointed your child, Jesus,
with the Holy Spirit and power,
and he went about doing good
and healing all who were oppressed by the devil.
He was put to death, hung on a tree,
but you raised him on the third day,
and allowed him to appear, first to Mary Magdalene
and then to your other chosen witnesses.
So now we praise you within the gates of justice
and raise our glad songs of victory
for you have become our saviour
and hidden our lives in Christ in glory.
Therefore, with our hearts lifted high,
we offer you thanks and praise at all times
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
©2011 Nathan Nettleton
Declaration of Grace / Absolution
All the prophets testify that Godâs love is forever
and that everyone who puts their trust in Jesus
receives forgiveness of sins through his name.
Sisters and Brothers,
  your sins are forgiven;
   be at peace.
©2011 Nathan Nettleton
Commission & Benediction
Go now, glad and rejoicing,
for Christ is risen and has become your saviour.
Set your minds on the things of God
for your lives are hidden in Christ.
Preach and testify that he is the one ordained by God
to judge the living and the dead.
And may God surround you with everlasting love.
May Christ Jesus raise you with him to life in glory.
And may the Holy Spirit anoint you with power to do good.
We go in peace to love and serve the Lord,
  In the name of Christ. Amen.
©2011 Nathan Nettleton
Sermons will open in new tabs from our SYCBaps church website.
- The Easter Homily of St John Chrysostom
A sermon by Nathan Nettleton - God Came Back
A sermon by Nathan Nettleton - Do Not Be Afraid
A sermon by Andrew Woff - The Great Reversal Moves Forward
A sermon on Matthew 28:1-10 by David Devine - Life and love in the face of death
A sermon by Roslyn Wright - The Failure of Failure
A sermon on Matthew 28:1-10 by Nathan Nettleton - Showing Up
A sermon by Joel Sierra - A Question For Your Tears
A sermon on John 20:11-18 by Edward L Taylor - A Backwards Glance
A sermon by Nathan Nettleton