2nd Sunday of Pascha – Year B
28 April 2030 – 29 April 2030
Below you will find the Bible readings set for this occasion in the Revised Common Lectionary, with our Australian idiomatic paraphrases of them, plus prayers and sermons based on them.
Bible Readings (paraphrased)
Lections from The Revised Common Lectionary. Copyright 1992 by the Consultation on Common Texts(CCT) P.O. Box 340003, Room 381, Nashville, TN 37203-0003, USA. Used with Permission.
Acts 4: 32-35
There was an extraordinary harmony in the group of those who had put their trust in Christ. They shared a common heart and a common spirit. They also shared their possessions, giving up claims of private ownership and holding everything in common. With electrifying effect, the apostles shared the stories of their experience of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. The evidence of Godās generous love and mercy was apparent in all they did. No one among them was left battling to make ends meet, because those who owned houses and land sold up and handed over the proceeds to the apostles, with no strings attached, and the money was distributed to each person according to their needs.
Ā©2003 Nathan NettletonĀ LaughingBird.net
Psalm 133
What a great thing it is, LORD,
when people can get along with one another,
and live together in unity and mutual respect.
It is even more satisfying than holding the cup aloft
and dancing in the rain of champagne
on Grand Final day.
It is even more desirable than sitting by an open fire
sharing chocolates and fine wine with a loved one.
It is even more beautiful than the monsoon rains
turning the desert into a sea of wildflowers.
For you LORD created us to be one people,
committed to one another, honouring one another,
sharing the land and its blessings forever.
Ā©2002 Nathan NettletonĀ LaughingBird.net
1 John 1:1 - 2:2
That which was in place from day one,
Ā which we have heard,
Ā Ā which we have seen with our own eyes,
Ā Ā Ā and which we have examined and touched with our own hands;
that which is all about the word of life,
Ā a life which was brought out into the open
Ā Ā and which we have seen and spoken up about,
Ā Ā Ā and which we are telling you is the unstoppable life
Ā Ā Ā that came from the Father and was unveiled to us;
that ā all of that ā is what we are announcing to you.
Having seen it and heard it ourselves, we are announcing it to you so that you may join us in friendship and partnership. In fact, the partnership we enjoy and are inviting you in on is with God and with Godās Son, Jesus the Messiah. We are putting all this down in print so that the joy we get from sharing it may be all the more complete.
If we were to sum up the message Jesus taught us and which we are now teaching you, it would be this: God is pure light. There is not even a hint of anything shadowy in God.
If we claim that we are in partnership with God while we are still living our lives in the shadows, then we are lying, and failing to live out the truth. But if, on the other hand, we live our lives openly in the light, just as God does, then we will be in full partnership with one another. In that case, the blood which Godās Son Jesus shed will not have been wasted on us, but will have succeeded in cleaning up the sin which had corrupted our lives. If we claim to be uncorrupted, we are kidding no one but ourselves, and what we are really missing is honesty and integrity. If we own up to our corrupt actions, the One who is unswervingly faithful and just will give us a full pardon and clean up all that is polluted and twisted within us. If we claim that we have not done anything corrupt, then we are calling God a liar, and Godās word has clearly not taken root within us.
I love you like my own children, and I am writing these things to you to help you to steer clear of corrupt ways. But if one of you does do something wrong, it is not the end of the world. There is one who goes in to bat for us with God ā Jesus the Messiah, the One who always gets things right. He made the ultimate sacrifice in the process of dealing with our corruption and the corruption of the entire world, so that it would not cut us or anyone else off from God.
Ā©2003 Nathan NettletonĀ LaughingBird.net
John 20: 19-31
It was a Sunday ā the first day of the week ā when the tomb was found empty. That same evening, the disciples met together. They locked all the doors of the house where they were meeting because they were afraid of being tracked down by the religious authorities. Suddenly, Jesus appeared and stood among them saying, āGood evening to you all!ā
He proceeded to show them the deep scars in his hands and side. The disciples, of course, were over the moon at seeing the Lord again. Jesus spoke again, saying, āAll the best to you. God sent me into the world, and in the same way, Iām sending you.ā
Having said that, he breathed a big breathe onto them and said, āReceive the Holy Spirit; all of you. If you forgive anyone who has sinned, then their sins are forgiven. If you withhold forgiveness for any sins, they remain unforgiven.ā
When this happened, Thomas ā known as āthe Twinā and one of the twelve ā was missing. The other disciples told him that they had seen the Lord, but they couldnāt convince him. āIām not falling for that one!ā Thomas replied. āIād have to see the nail holes in his hands before Iād believe it. In fact Iād have to feel the holes myself, and touch the spear wound in his side.ā
A week later, the disciples again gathered behind locked doors in the same house, and this time Thomas was with them. Despite the locked doors, Jesus came and stood among them again and said, āGood evening to you all!ā
Then he turned to Thomas and said, āHere are my hands, Thomas. Put your finger here in the wound.ā And pulling up his shirt, he said, āAnd here is my side. You can put your hand in the hole. Let go of your doubts and trust me.ā
Thomas, of course, was blown away, and said, āYou are my Lord and my God!ā
Jesus said to him, āBelieving is not that hard when youāve seen me, is it? Imagine how much God will smile on those who put their trust in me without ever having seen me!ā
The disciples saw Jesus do many other things that demonstrated to them the reality of who he was, but they have not all been written down in this book. But what has been written here has been written for you, dear readers, so that you will know enough to see that Jesus is the anointed One ā the Son of God ā and so that by putting your trust in him you can come to have real life: the life that he lived and shares.
Ā©2001 Nathan NettletonĀ LaughingBird.net
Eucharistic Preface
Let us lift up our hearts.
We lift them to the Lord.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give our thanks and praise.
It is indeed right to give you our thanks and praise, O God,
for you have raised Jesus Christ from the dead
and by your grace we have life in his name.
From the very beginning, the Word of life was with you,
creating everything in earth and heaven.
You rescued your people from death
and called them to follow you, walking in the light.
You sent your Word of Life into the world,
in your Son, Jesus,
shining your light into our darkness,
that the sins of the world might be forgiven.
Though he was killed by those who walk in darkness,
you raised him to resurrection life
and now he lives at your side for ever,
advocating mercy for all who stumble into sin.
Through his great grace
we are able to live in fellowship with you
and in peace with one another,
in one heart and mind.
Therefore with .....
Ā©2003 Nathan NettletonĀ LaughingBird.net
Short Preface (for insertion into Eucharistic prayers with fixed prefaces)
We give thanks for your risen Son, Jesus,
who shines your light into our darkness,
that the sins of the world might be forgiven,
and we that might live in fellowship with you
and peace with one another,
in one heart and mind.
Ā©2003 Nathan NettletonĀ LaughingBird.net
General Prayer of Thanksgiving
(Preface reformatted for use apart from communion)
We give you all thanks and praise, O God,
for you have raised Jesus Christ from the dead
and by your grace we have life in his name.
From the very beginning, the Word of life was with you,
creating everything in earth and heaven.
You rescued your people from death
and called them to follow you, walking in the light.
You sent your Word of Life into the world,
in your Son, Jesus,
shining your light into our darkness,
that the sins of the world might be forgiven.
Though he was killed by those who walk in darkness,
you raised him to resurrection life
and now he lives at your side for ever,
advocating mercy for all who stumble into sin.
Through his great grace
we are able to live in fellowship with you
and in peace with one another,
in one heart and mind.
Therefore, with our hearts lifted high,
we offer you thanks and praise at all times
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
Ā©2003 Nathan NettletonĀ LaughingBird.net
Declaration of Grace / Absolution
If we confess our sins,
the one who is faithful and just
will forgive us our sins
and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Sisters and Brothers,
Ā Ā your sins are forgiven;
Ā Ā Ā be at peace.
Ā©2003 Nathan NettletonĀ LaughingBird.net
Commission & Benediction
Go now, sent by the one who was sent by God.
Walk in the light;
testify to the resurrection of Christ;
forgive the sins of all,
and live at peace with one another.
And may God bless you with life forever;
May Christ Jesus breathe his Spirit and peace into you;
And may the Holy Spirit lead you into the life and light of God.
We go in peace to love and serve the Lord,
Ā Ā In the name of Christ. Amen.
Ā©2003 Nathan NettletonĀ LaughingBird.net
Sermons will open in new tabs from our SYCBaps church website.
- Christ is Risen, so what’s next?
A sermon on John 20:19-31 by Nathan Nettleton - Beyond Doubt? Perhaps Not.
A sermon on John 20:19-31 by Nathan Nettleton - Redeeming Thomas
A sermon on John 20:19-31 Ā by Nathan Nettleton - Forgiveness Comes with Scars
A sermon on John 20:19-31 & 1 John 1:1 ā 2.2 by Nathan Nettleton - Peace Be With You
A sermon on John 20:19-31 & 1 John 1:1 ā 2.2 by Nathan Nettleton - An Economy of Abundance
A sermon on Acts 4:32-35 and 1 John 1:1-2:2 by Alison Sampson - Doubters, Failures, and other Model Christians
A sermon on John 20:19-31 & 1 John 1:1 ā 2.2 by Nathan Nettleton - Merely-Reserving-Judgement Thomas
A sermon on John 20:19-31 & 1 John 1:1 ā 2.2 by Nathan Nettleton - Shame, Redemption, and the Terror of Resurrection
A sermon on John 20:19-31 & 1 John 1:1 ā 2.2 by Nathan Nettleton - Behind Locked Doors
A sermon on John 20:19-31 by Paul Sheppy - What Shall We Do Now?
A sermon on Acts 4:32-35 & John 20:19-31 by Guilherme Almeida